hard work • resilience • care • curiosity Kirkbie Kendal Sixth Form
hard work • resilience • care • curiosity hard work
Welcome to Kirkbie Kendal Sixth Form • 05 If you are already a student at Kirkbie Kendal School then you know we have an excellent Sixth Form where you can carry on thriving and learning. If you are new to the school, welcome! If you want to be successful, happy, supported and valued then KKS Sixth Form is the place for you! Students studying here achieve fantastic results and earn places at a wide range of universities across the country including Russell Group, Oxford and Cambridge, as well as universities overseas. A number of students use their qualifications to achieve places on high quality apprenticeships. Every year we are delighted to welcome students from other schools who are attracted by our high standards, the courses we offer and the welcoming, supportive environment at Kirkbie Kendal. Success We want you to succeed and help you to be the best version of you. At Kirkbie Kendal School students achieve excellent results. The range of courses offered, our amazing enrichment programme, the quality of teaching, guidance and support we provide, as well as many other opportunities available to students from sporting fixtures to music concerts have led to the growth and success for our Sixth Form. This is a good school with an outstanding Sixth Form. The Sixth Form provides an outstanding quality of education. Learners have very mature attitudes to their work and are confident and well-motivated. Ofsted 05
06 Curriculum Kirkbie Kendal School offers GCE Advanced Level courses (A Levels) studied over two years. Some students may sit an AS Level at the end of Year 12. In addition, a number of vocational courses are also studied over two years. All students participate in a personalised enrichment programme that includes the Extended Project Qualification, work experience and Sixth Form Sports. We work with students to identify the best curriculum to support them to achieve their aspirations. Sixth Form Life and Learning Sixth Form students are encouraged to adhere to a dress code in recognition that the wider working world has high expectations of its employees. They enjoy participating fully in school life both within and outside our school community. Subjects are taught in small classes by specialist teachers and our students enjoy excellent ICT facilities with the latest hardware and software throughout the school. They also have exclusive use of a well-resourced library, Sixth Form project work room, Sixth Form art space and mezzanine study area. Lessons are taught in specialist subject accommodation. Students also benefit from the privilege of a dedicated Common Room with social and kitchen facilities. The Sixth Form curriculum offers a wide range of academic courses and students appreciate the range of options. Ofsted
hard work • resilience • care • curiosity resilience
hard work • resilience • care • curiosity care
Guidance We have a dedicated team of enthusiastic, specialist and experienced teaching staff who guide and support Sixth Form students. Guidance begins in Year 11, with an informal interview and induction day, plus talks with subject teachers. This will continue through to the UCAS process and on to university, apprenticeships, careers, further training or help in setting up a Gap Year. When you start in the Sixth Form, you will become a valued member of a small tutor group of students with a Form Tutor. Your Form Tutor will be your mentor who will support you to make sure that you fulfil your potential. Your tutor group will meet every day and the year group will meet once a fortnight to celebrate achievement and provide enrichment information. Events such as careers talks, presentations and university visits will help you to plan your future whilst maximising your time in school. Students receive a Full Report once a year, plus regular Interim Grade Sheets reporting progress. At Parent/Carer Evenings, students and parents/carers have the opportunity to talk through academic progress with their subject teachers. Parents can request a progress review at any time by contacting the Head of Sixth Form. These crucial reporting points help to keep you and your parents/carers up to date with your academic progress in the Sixth Form, as well as how you are developing as part of our Sixth Form community. 09 Students receive good care, guidance and support from academic and pastoral staff. Ofsted
A place to excel and achieve. In my opinion a fantastic environment from which to take your first steps into the real world. Year 13 Student 10 Extra-Curricular and Enrichment Activities We believe that it is vital for all students to extend their experiences beyond the subjects they have decided to take. Enrichment activities take place through timetabled lessons and within study periods. The objective of enrichment and extra curricular activities is to give students the opportunity to develop their skills and learning; to try real life experiences that will go a long way to enhancing their CV and UCAS applications. These include: Senior Students contribute to the school with leadership roles and in addition will organise Sixth Form events such as the Yearbook, Leavers’ Ball and Christmas Social. • Young Enterprise • Public Speaking • Literacy and numeracy work with younger students • Buddying and peer mentoring • Work experience, including primary school experience • Voluntary work within the local community • School sports teams • Sports activities (e.g. gym usage) • National competitions • Senior Students • Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award • A variety of extra-curricular clubs including Art, Charity, Chess and other clubs • Preparing for the working world • British Sign Language • Teaching English as a Foreign Language
curiosity hard work • resilience • care • curiosity
Admission Students entering the Sixth Form are expected to have a minimum of five good GCSE grades (including English and Maths). In addition, you are normally required to have achieved a good grade at GCSE in your chosen A Level subject. If you have not met the required standard in English and Maths, you will be given the opportunity to re-sit during Year 12. Year 11 students already at Kirkbie Kendal School will automatically receive all the relevant information about courses and how to apply. All students will be asked to complete an application form and return this to school by a given deadline. This will be followed up by an interview to discuss subject choices and goals for the future. If you are a Year 11 student currently studying at another school, please get in touch by email on sixthform@kksa.co.uk or complete the application form on the website. We will arrange a personal visit for you to see the facilities and to meet current students and staff to discuss the courses available. We hold an annual Sixth Form Open Evening for all prospective students in the Autumn term. Please contact us to find out the date, or see the advert in the local press and/or information on the School website. We look forward to meeting you, and welcoming you to Kirkbie Kendal Sixth Form. Sixth Form life is exciting as it leads to many new opportunities and more independence, which I have loved. Year 13 Student hard work • resilience • care • curiosity
Created by www.concept4.com (ref J16142-11/2022) Kirkbie Kendal School Lound Road, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 7EQ Tel: 01539 727422 Email: sixthform@kks.co.uk Web: www.kirkbiekendal.cumbria.sch.uk curiosity care resilience hard work