
Kirkbie Kendal School Curriculum

Kirkbie Kendal School will maintain a broad and balanced curriculum to which students will have equal access. Particular care is taken over the primary/secondary transfer programme to ensure continuity and the School co-ordinates this through a Primary Liaison Manager (please see admission arrangements for further information).  The Form Tutor and Head of Year follow closely each student’s academic, personal and social progress. In addition to the strong emphasis on English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, a foreign language, Geography and History, the Arts, Drama, Music, Physical Education, Work Related Learning and Life Skills (Citizenship, RS and PSHE) all have a high profile. There are individual music lessons available, over and above curriculum music, with peripatetic teachers, for which a charge is made. ICT is taught both discretely and within subject areas from Year 7 onwards. Each student receives 25 hours teaching during a normal School week. Students are taught both in sets and mixed attainment teaching groups. The School participates in a variety of projects for very able students, depending on what is available in the curriculum area. 

You can find out more information about each subject via the Key Stage 3 and 4 curriculum links below, and via the Sixth Form page on the school Website. 

Mr Mark Harris