
“Language helps us capture the world, and the less language we have, the less world we capture.”

Fernando Lázaro Carreter

Year 7

The Rationale

The students learn the sounds (phonics) of the language early to help them with the pronunciation and spelling.   Spanish is a very phonetic language with few grey areas for the foreign learner.  In theory, they should be able to see a Spanish word and know how to pronounce it and they should be able to hear a word and be able to spell it.  They learn common words that appear across every topic in a sequence to build their knowledge of high frequency vocabulary.  They do this alongside learning topic vocabulary.  They learn the grammar in context throughout the course and in a sequence that grows in complexity as the learners become more proficient.  By the end of Year 7 they should be able to link words and phrases together using basic connectives, say what they (dis)like and why, use verbs in the present tense. 

Autumn Tm 1  Autumn Tm 2 Spring Half Tm 3  Spring Half Tm 4  Summer Tm 5   Summer Tm 6
Curriculum Knowledge· greetings and introductions
· personality
· ages + siblings
· birthdays + alphabet
· pets + colours
· likes + dislikes
· leisure activities
· spare time
· weather
· sports· days
· school subjects
· likes + dislikes
· justifying opinions
· facilities
· break time activities
· family – relations
· ages + hobbies
· eyes / hair
· physical descriptions
· type of home + location
· places in towns
· time· where you are going
· plans for the weekend
· ordering in a café
Subject Skills   · phonics
· the:  el / la· a:  un / una
· genders of nouns and adjectives
· verbs:  ser / tener
· connectives: and, but, also
· writing:  sentences and paragraphs
· 3 infinitives
· regular ar verbs
· frequency phrases
· verbs:  hacer / jugar
· connectives:  because, when
· reading:  cognates and context
· sequencers
· ‘we’ form of verbs
· negatives· adjectival agreements
· using hay
· ‘a’, ‘some’, ‘the’
· regular er/ir verbs
· listening:  predicting, using questions as clues
· my / your / his+her
· plural verb forms
· adjectives + agreements
· intensifiers:  very, quite, a bit
· connectives:  in addition
· verbs:  ser / tener / estar
· speaking:  using notes to speak from memory
· using hay
· ‘a’, ‘some’, ‘many’
· negatives
· verb:  ir / querer
· the immediate future tense – going to …· time phrases:  this weekend / on …day
· sequencers
· translation:  to and from Spanish
How can you help your child engage with the content?Ask them to teach you some basic words and phrases. Find out where Spanish is spoken.  Look for Spanish on labels and packaging. Find out about Spanish cultural / leisure activities or sports:  Flamenco, Pelota, la Vuelta. Play Quizlet together! Find out what the similarities and differences are between schools in Britain, Spain and Mexico. Be a sympathetic audience for your son/daughter to practise their presentation! Find out on a map where some famous places / cities are. Watch ‘A place in the sun’Find a tourist information leaflet in Spanish. Find out about tapas – make / try some. Go to Comida or Pedro’s Casa! 
Curriculum Opportunit-
European Day of Languages Spanglish ClubSpanglish ClubSpanglish Club
Career Links International sportsperson / sports journalistTeacherEstate AgentTour guide / waiter or waitress

Year 8

The Rationale

The students continue to consolidate their understanding of the phonics through being asked how to pronounce new words based on what they already know and by listening to Spanish and writing what they hear.  The high frequency vocabulary is extended and developed and students begin to see old topic vocabulary words cropping up again in new contexts, alongside new topic vocabulary.  The students use their knowledge of verbs from last year and apply it to learning the past tense and consolidating their understanding of infinitives and the near-future tense.  By the end of Year 8 they should be able to produce more detailed and extended sentences, using time markers, sequencers and frequency phrases and verbs in the present, past and near-future tenses. 

Autumn Tm 1  Autumn Tm 2Spring Half Tm 3  Spring Half Tm 4  Summer Tm 5Summer Tm 6
Curriculum content· revision of Year 7 Spanish
· past holiday
· what I did
· the last day
· how it was
· mobile phone use
· types of music
· TV programmes
· yesterday – activities
· food· mealtimes
· ordering a meal
· buying for a party
· an account of a party
· going out
· making excuses
· getting ready
· sporting events
· describing a ‘holiday’ home – rooms
· holiday activities
· directions
· summer camps
· holiday destinations
Key Skills    · revision of (dis)likes / infinitives / present tense· preterite ir (fui / fuimos)
· prepositions:  a, en, con
· preterite of regular ‘ar’ verbs· preterite of regular ‘er’ and ‘ir’ verbs
· preterite of ser (fue)· present + preterite
· Writing:  A well sequenced extended paragraph about a past holiday
· revising:  present tense
· using a range of opinions
· the comparative
· the present / the preterite
· Reading:  Context, cognates, gist 
· wider range of opinions
· negatives
· usted / ustedes
· near future
· three tenses:  present, past, future
· EXAM:  Listening / Reading / Translation
· Speaking presentation· Translation
· me gustaría + infinitive· querer / poder
· reflexive verbs
· this / these
· three tenses:  present, past, future
· Reading:  Identifying actions in different time frames
· Writing:  A logically ordered and extended paragraph, including 3 time frames – tenses 
· the comparative
· the superlative
· the imperative· Three tenses:   present, past, future
· mejor / peor
· Listening:  using time phrases as markers / hearing the verbs / picking out points of view
How can you engage with your child?Talk about travel to places in Spain or South America.  Look at any ‘old’ holiday photos (of Spain)!Change phone settings into Spanish – be careful though – make sure you can change them back again! Find out about a ‘Spanish’ singer – listen to some songs in Spanish. Go on https://lyrics

Find a suitable Spanish tv series to watch (with subtitles)
Find a Spanish or Mexican recipe to cook together. Buy some Spanish food from the supermarket. Go to Comida or Pedro’s Casa! Be a sympathetic audience for your son/daughter to practise their presentation! Find out about a Spanish clothing brand or designer- Design and label an outfit in SpanishFind out about a Spanish sport or sports person- Write a basic fact-file about it / them in SpanishLook at these fabulous state run luxury hotels:

Look at these Spanish cottages:

Look at these eurocamps:

Summer camps in Spain: 
Curriculum Opportunit-
European Day of Languages Spanglish Club
Poetry Reading competition (from 2023)
Spanglish ClubSpanglish Club
Career LinksHoliday rep / Flight attendant / pilot Chef / waiter or waitress / Restaurant ownerDesigner / Sports personHoliday rep / Tour guide

Year 9

The Rationale 

The students should be very familiar with the sound-spelling patterns in Spanish and able to listen and write / see and pronounce old and new words.  They will be expected to remember high frequency vocabulary and be using a wider variety of common and some less common vocabulary.  They will be using very common verbs with ease across three tenses and should be becoming more familiar with verbs that crop up less often.  We will begin to see examples of other tenses in context.  By the end of Year 9 they should be able to produce extended sequences of spoken and written language with greater detail and a higher level of accuracy.  Some students will be including some more sophisticated connectives and more unusual vocabulary to enhance their language skills. 

Autumn Tm 1  Autumn Tm 2  Spring Half Tm 3  Spring Half Tm 4  Summer Tm 5  Summer Tm 6
Curriculum content· revision of Year 8 Spanish
· things I like
· my week· films
· birthdays
· celebrities· days out
· film stars and films
· work tasks
· ideal job
· your future
· describing a job
· diet
· active lifestyle
· daily routine
· keeping fit
· ailments
· children’s rights
· fair trade
· recycling
· town changes
· fund raising
· world issues
· meeting and greeting
· treasure hunt
· souvenirs
· plans
· social situations 
Key Skills   · irregular verbs in present
· regular verbs in present
· near future tense
· preterite / past tense
· three tenses together
· Listening:  the 4 Ws (who, what, where, when) / using clues / indirect information / time clues
· using tener que
· adjective agreement
· near future tense
· three tenses
· checking for accuracy
· using reference materials· Reading:  authentic texts / skimming and scanning
· Translation / Writing
· direct object pronouns
· stem-changing verbs
· reflexive verbs
· (no) se debe· me duele(n)
· complex sentences
· Reading poems in Spanish
· Speaking:  a presentation
· using the verb poder
· expressing your point of view
· se debería
· the imperfect tense
· multiple meanings – choosing the correct word
· Writing
· expressions with tener
· the superlative
· the comparative
· the simple future tense
· Speaking:  survival strategies + non-verbal communication
· Reading:  authentic texts / selecting key vocabulary / step by step strategies:  pictures – title – gist – skim – clues – cognates – context – detail + logic
How can you engage with your child?Watch a film with a Spanish actor / actress in it: Javier Bardem / Antonio Banderas / Penelope Cruz or by a Spanish director:  Guillermo del ToroLook at photos of past birthdays and days out – talk about what you did, where you went, what you ate etc   Watch “Hotel Benidorm” on My5 – fly on the wall documentary / reality Look at the fruit and vegetables in the supermarket:  which ones are from Spain?  Can you find any other food products that come from Spain? Watch a fitness video or dance routine in Spanish:  Try the Cha Cha Slide with Spanish subtitles! or in Spanish … 
Find out about food or products from a Spanish-speaking South American or Central American country. Song:  reciclar

Discuss what your town was like when you were younger compared to now – what has changed?   
Go on this tour of Madrid:

Drop the ‘Google Man’ into the map and walk around the Retiro Park visiting some of the buildings too! –Link  

Take a 3D tour of the San Bernabeu Stadium -Link 

Do you have any holiday souvenirs? 
Curriculum Opportunit-
European Day of Languages  Spanglish Club
Poetry Reading competition (from 2023)
Spanglish Club Spanglish Club 
Career LinksActor/Actress
Travel agent / Hotel work / Tour guide

Too many jobs in this topic to list them all …
Personal trainer 
Refuse collector
Civil rights campaigner
Charity worker