Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
We provide our students with a full Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme to ensure that our students are ready and prepared for their next steps. Various experiences, opportunities and information is coordinated to help students make informed choices for future study and work.
At Kirkbie Kendal School, we believe the best CEIAG is through a whole school commitment involving input from all school staff, our students, parent/carers, the business community and employers, and a range of education providers – Colleges, Universities and training institutions.
We link our programme to the Department for Education Gatsby Benchmarks and review and update our provision through feedback, evaluation and the ‘Compass Audit.’
Mrs Hazel Pinder is the CEIAG administrator and Assistant Lead of CEIAG at Kirkbie Kendal School and is a first point of contact at school. Mrs Pinder is available on 01539 727422. Ms Jen Donald is the Careers Lead. Please contact one of us if you would like further information about CEIAG by using the ‘Contact Us’ form on the website.
Our Careers, Education, Information, Advice & Guidance Policy and our Provider Access Statement can be found under the Our School/Policies section of our website.
Whole School Overview of CEIAG
We also have an Independent Careers Adviser, Fiona Herrema, who has one to one careers interviews for all our Year 11 students. Fiona provides advice and guidance on transition and progression to ensure students have confirmed destinations when they leave school. Fiona also meets many Sixth Form students who are either referred to her or who choose to have an appointment. Students from any year group are welcome to drop in at break or lunch with any queries about Colleges, apprenticeships, Universities or careers in general.
We have a dedicated section of the Library for Careers. There are prospectuses from all the local Colleges and training providers, along with a selection of University brochures on display. There is also a selection of books about various different careers and pathways including apprenticeships.
All students in Years 9 and 11 have an appointment with a senior member of staff, Careers Lead, their Head of Year or Form Tutor to discuss their future career plans and their options moving into GCSE or Further Education.
Our annual Careers Fair is attended by both local and national employers, as well as Colleges, Universities and volunteer organisations. All year 9 and 11 students attend the fair and all year 12 and 13 students invited to attend.
We have a schedule of employer talks throughout the year that year 9 –13 students can attend. They sign up to these through their form tutor or via Mrs Pinder at reception.
Inspira works closely with EHCP, CLA and RON students.
Below is an example of a student’s CEIAG provision through the school. This is not an exhaustive list.
Career Programme: Year 7
- Assembly time is used for students to learn about different career pathways including outside speakers.
- All students have access to impartial careers advice and guidance and 1:1 careers coaching to support them for their GCSE preferences.
- All students and parents have access to the KKS Career Padlet, which is accessed through the school website.
- All students register with Unifrog and use this to research potential careers including LMI data.
- All students take part in a form time project on Communication Skills and how this links to future employment and careers.
Career Programme: Year 8
- All students have access to impartial careers advice and guidance and 1:1 careers coaching.
- All students follow a Scheme of Work called ‘The Real Game’ in Life Skills. This allows discussion about various careers, qualifications needed, pathways, salaries and progression routes.
- Assemblies are used for inspirational speakers.
- All students and parents have access to the KKS Career Padlet, which is accessed through the school website.
Career Programme: Year 9
- All students attend the careers fair at KKS where they can meet employers, universities and colleges.
- All students have access to impartial careers advice and guidance and 1:1 careers coaching to support them for their GCSE preferences.
- All students and parents/carers are invited to attend the Year 9 Guided Choice Open Evening at school to speak to subject staff.
- All students have a meeting with a senior member of staff, Careers Lead, Head of Year or form tutor to discuss their possible future career and their GCSE choices.
- All students attend the Careers Fair in school.
- All students complete a Scheme of Work on Careers during form time. This looks at post 16 options as well as students looking at their current interests and skills.
- All students and parents have access to the KKS Career Padlet that is accessed through the school website.
- All students are encouraged to participate in PM registration employer talks.
Career Programme: Year 10
- All students have access to impartial careers advice and guidance and 1:1 careers coaching.
- All students learn about managing money, payslips and saving in their Life Skills lessons.
- The World of Work morning, supported by form time activities, enable all students to formulate a CV and practice interview techniques.
- This culminates a week later in 1:1 mock interviews with a local employer. Formal feedback is shared afterwards to the student.
- All students are encouraged to participate in PM registration employer talks.
- All students and parents have access to the KKS Career Padlet that is accessed through the school website.
Career Programme: Year 11
- All students attend the Careers Fair at KKS where they can meet employers, Universities and Colleges.
- All students are encouraged to participate in PM registration employer talks.
- All students have a 1:1 interview with an impartial careers adviser, Fiona Herrema, where an action plan is written and shared with the student.
- Groups of students attend a College Open Day in school time.
- Open Evening events for College providers are shared via Form Tutors, parents and the KKS Careers Padlet.
- Students interested in attending Sixth Form attend our Open Evening, where we also have an impartial careers advisor.
- All EHCP, CLA and DP students are prioritised for a 1:1 Careers Advisor appointment with Fiona Herrema. Inspira work with our EHCP, CLA and RONs. RONs are identified through various members of staff including the Head of Year.
- Assemblies by outside providers.
- All students take part in form time activities focussing on their post 16 options.
Students are well-prepared for the next stage of their education, training or employment with training. The Inspira 2019-2020 figures show 99.3% of students were in sustained education, employment or training (area average 98%). The figures for 2020-2021 were 99.4% of students in education, employment or training (area average 99%). The figures for 2021-2022 were 100% of students in education, employment or training (area average 97.9%)”
Career Pathway Programme: Sixth Form
- All students are invited to attend the Careers Fair at KKS where they can meet employers, Universities and Colleges.
- All students are encouraged to participate in employer talks regularly held in school.
- All students have the opportunity to have a 1:1 interview with an impartial careers adviser, Fiona Herrema, where an action plan and shared with the student.
- A variety of assemblies from outside providers.
- All students interviewed with the Head of Sixth Form about possible career paths and FE/Apprenticeship ideas.
- All students supported through the UCAS process with a launch event led by Newcastle University.
- All students are supported writing their personal statement through Newcastle University, Form Tutor and Head of Sixth Form.
- A whole cohort student finance talk is held for both students and parents.
- Students are encouraged and given the opportunity to attend a local HE day.
- Open days are advertised through Form Tutors, noticeboards, Google Classroom and the Careers Padlet.
- Cambridge, Newcastle, and University of Cumbria Universities as well as a Scottish University speak to the whole cohort about University life and the application processes.
- Apprenticeship opportunities are advertised through Form Tutors and parents/carers are emailed with details of apprenticeships. The KKS Careers Padlet also has a designated apprenticeship section.
- Large firms such as Siemens, BAE and United Utilities come to KKS to talk about levels of apprenticeships. Application processes are also explained.
- Individual meetings with all the Armed Forces are arranged for both students and parents.
- Every other week Sixth Form Enrichment lessons have employers come in to talk as well as Gap Year organisations such as Camp America, voluntary organisations and former students talking about their pathways.
- Students are encouraged to complete work experience and other voluntary work in their study periods.
- Summer schools are encouraged. For example, medical summer schools. Details are also emailed out and staff support by providing references.
- Our Careers Library is accessible to all students and has University prospectuses, information about UCAS applications and careers in general.
- All students and parents have access to the KKS Career Padlet, which is accessed through the school website. This has a designated 6th form section.
- All year 12 students are given the opportunity for a 1:1 mock interview and discussion with a local employer matched to their area of interest.